Senin, 23 April 2018

Safein - single digital purse based on block system, providing security, convenience, and trust for our customers

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What is Safein?

Safein is a single digital purse based on block system, providing security, convenience, and trust for our customers. By using Safein, users can easily show their true identity on the Internet, if necessary, make instant payments, and monitor the amount of personal data they provide to different providers.

Nowadays online customers should identify themselves again and again when they interact with various online services. Creating a unified digital identity is the key to both online service digitization and trusted identity.

While merchants are focused on getting more online services, the user identity must be verified to access many of these services. And in terms of unification of services, a digital identity that functions across multiple services is essential for a truly integrated solution.

Safein is currently working towards a single digital identity solution that can be used for online transactions on all platforms.

By utilizing decentralized blockchain technology, the information used to identify and verify you are encrypted and kept separate from centralized parties, making it very difficult to gain access to and greatly reduce the risk of threats in most situations. Another advantage is that identifying information is not passed directly, but is only used to start the verification process.

Safein really will be an effective and safe solution in the real world. It is safe to say that blockchain technology is anti-piracy. All Safein's efforts have been built with the worst-case scenario in mind.

For businesses there are many advantages to using Safein. For starters, it provides their customers with the fast and easy access they expect. An online service that verifies the identity of the user also allows the company to shift many services from more time consuming operations to automated services.

Here are some reasons why Safein is a real game changer:

- Ability to easily overcome delays, crypto payments and multiple account management issues in e-commerce
- Free of charge of user verification and data protection services in accordance with the applicable regulations
- Incredible focus on ease of use, integration, and cybersecurity
- Tokenized business platform, where everyone benefits from being part of the network
- A revolutionary reference growth model, consisting of Referral, Registration, and token entry.

Are you ready to support this market transformation or want to learn more about this platform? Visit to discover how the platform operates in blockchain, discover more about project roadmaps and crowdsale tokens.

For more information please visit the link below:

AUTHOR Kembartapibeda

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